royal design studios giveaway…
Last week I showed you how I transformed my wall with this incredible stencil from Royal Design Studios. Would you like to do it as well? Royal Design Studios has offered one reader here at No. 29 Design a stencil of their own, $50 or less with free shipping included!
Here’s what you need to do. Pay a visit to Royal Design Studio and select a stencil you’d like to use for a project. Then come back here and comment on which stencil you would like and how/where you would use it.
A bonus entry is given when you
1. Like Royal Design Studio on Facebook
2. Follow Designamour on Twitter
3. Follow Royal Design Studio on Pinterest
4. Follow No. 29 Design on Pinterest
One entry per person please!
This giveaway will be open until Wednesday, June 6th at 11:59 pm EST. A winner will be chosen at random by
{read the official giveaway rules here}
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